miércoles, 12 marzo 2025

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Por segundo año consecutivo estuvimos activos en el CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 como ED1R, aunque solo pudimos operar 4 horas del concurso.

Call: ED1R
Operator(s): EC1KR, EA4TD, EA4AOC, EC4JD, EC4DX
Station: EC1KR

Class: Multi-Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 04,26

Total: QSOs = 180 State/Prov = 6 Countries = 49 Total Score = 47,855

Club: Radio Club Henares


ANT 1 = VERTICAL 40M High with 70 Radials
ANT 2 = L VERTICAL with 70 Radials
SWL = Vertical K9AY for SWL.

A year several friends of Radio Club Henares have participated in this interesting contest, we were advised of weather problems that would occur with the storm of wind and water planned for that weekend. Anyway we decided to install everything and try your luck, it made a hard mount the days before the Contest and was finally installed our facility consisted of: Vertical 40m high with 70 radials of 40m in length + L vertical inverted + SWL K9AY for . We must say that the few hours we enjoyed our new full-size portrait was amazing (the vertical was elevated latex balloons inflated with helium), with thunderous signals and from the fourth minute of NA contest worked stations other stations U.S. not yet received. Finally the wind could with all our installation (Winds of 130km / h) and we were forced to leave the contest with barely 4 hours to enjoy the first night … before the weather nothing can be done and this is a
hobby. Special thanks to all colleagues who have helped us to mount this facility: DH1TW, EA1JJ, EA1AR, EA1MU, EA1IP and EA5KM. The QSLs can be requested through the “Online QSL Request” available on the Web of Radio Club Henares: https://www.radioclubhenares.org/qslservice.php and will be returned via bureau. 73s of:

ED1R – CQ 160m SSB 2010
Team ( EC1KR, EA4TD, EA4AOC, EC4JD and EC4DX ).


ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010


ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010 ED1R - CQ World-Wide 160 Meter Contest 2010

2 Comentarios

  1. Comments  EA4TD   |  sábado, 31 julio 2010 a las 15:43

    jajaja que fotos mas chulas. 🙂

  2. Comments  EA4AOC   |  domingo, 01 agosto 2010 a las 19:28

    Hola, chic@s:

    Unas de mis primeras, experiencias en la radio despues de muchos años desaparecido en radio, me gusto muchisimo las instalaciones que montamos sobre todo el globo de helio, pero gracias a mi amigo MURPHY me dejo sin catar un poquito la radio ese finde que es lo que esperaba en esa banda tan dificil que es la de 160mtr’s, que se le va hacer, espero que en proximas ediciones la cate un poquito y no solo el cochinillo jejejejejeje. Un abrazo chicos, y saludos a Eli – EC2AMN que llego en las primeras horas del concurso con el costillar jejejeje.


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